Sunday, January 01, 2006

A good time was had by all. . .

We had a New Year's Eve party last night. It was fun. We had about a dozen of our friends and one co-worker (that we actually like to hang around with) over. We had good conversation, played euchre, listened to good music and ate homemade pizza and lots and lots of cookies.

The pets were all on their best behavior. This means none of the cats jumped up on the table to check out it's contents (with the exception of the two females, they all hid) and neither of the dogs jumped on anyone.

2006 has arrived. With it has come the promises to myself that I will exercise more and lose some weight, that I will get out of debt and that I will save more money . . . awwww, I'll start that tomorrow. Today, we have party leftovers to eat and football to watch. . .


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